Is There a Password for Better Living?

Andrew L. Hicks
2 min readSep 8, 2020

Your device and account passwords are a reflection of who you are when (hopefully) no one is looking.

The words and phrases you choose for your online passwords, in one way or another, can tell you a lot about yourself.

My passwords used to mostly consist of phrases from my favorite songs, all pepp3red up with cringeworthy l33t spe@k.

In my early twenties, my password was T0ss3dSalad… Because my classiness was unparalleled.

Eventually I thought, you know what?

I input my passwords multiple times nearly every day.

What if I incorporated empowering affirmations into my passwords?

What if every single day I reminded myself of things I need to know, without even trying?

My first experiment with this corresponded with a stage in my life in which I was developing my sense of personal power.

The password I came up with was: 1AmP0werful.

And in a subtle way, the experiment worked.

Every day, I typed that I was powerful several times.

As I typed it, I’d say it in my head.

As I said internally, sometimes I’d feel it deep down.

When I’d feel it deep down, I’d act a bit more powerfully in daily life.

Then I read somewhere about coming up with longer phrases and incorporating them into passwords as acronyms.

My first phrase along those lines was something like: Everything is empowering and awesome!

In password form: EieaA!

This reminded me, all the time, that everything that happens in life can be empowering and awesome if I go into it with that attitude.

The way I’d remember my password was by recalling the phrase.

So every time I’d log into Gmail or wherever, my mind would go, “Everything is empowering and awesome!” as I typed in the acronym.

This approach to passwords has genuinely contributed to enhancing my overall quality of life, and I think it can do the same for you.

Plus, the phrase/acronym approach makes for some of the most secure and difficult-to-guess passwords possible. Throw in a few lucky numbers and you’re golden.

Originally published at on September 8, 2020.



Andrew L. Hicks

I’m here to empower my fellow late-bloomers to transcend arrested development and make strides toward proper adulting.